Hi, I am TalentBot and let’s be clear:

I am not here to take your job!

aı ethıcs

Talent Hunter Framework for Responsible AI Implementation in HR Technology

Generative AI is here to transform HR Tech. Although still in its early stages, it has already proven valuable in automating manual recruitment tasks and assisting HR professionals in candidate shortlisting. However, it is not yet fully capable of supporting the entire talent acquisition process. While AI can never replace humans in strategic and relationship-building tasks, it significantly contributes to freeing up HR professionals’ time by reducing the burden of high-volume, repetitive tasks.

As the technology continues to evolve, it is essential to establish principles that will guide us in addressing ethical and moral concerns related to AI usage in HR Tech. These principles will ensure the responsible utilization of AI’s potential.

The TalentBot utilizes AI in recruitment through the following applications:


Guiding Hiring Manager through necessary steps for creating a job post

Recruitment Guide automation

Based on information Hiring Manager provides by answering chatbot questions Talent Hunter generates customised job description, talent persona, recruitment flow, skillset and suggestions for evaluation criteria and methodology.

smart scrennıng


Matching candidates to job description and company culture: AI system screens candidates based on algorithm’s recommendations that are relevant to job description and company culture specifications that TalentHunter user enters during interaction with TalentBot.

skıll assessment

Skill assessment using built-in assessment tool marketplace

candıdate verıfıcatıon durıng assessment
Surveillance is offered by some assessment tools vendors as an option during online evaluation for purposes to ensure integrity and avoid cheating. However, this system strictly adheres to ethical guidelines, excluding facial recognition, racial profiling, or any violation of human rights and freedoms.
candıdate experıence

Throughout the recruitment funnel AI is used to ensure timely notification of candidates about their status in the process

When formatted accurately machines and formulas can automatically shortlist your ideal candidate based on validated data and avoiding bias.

Benefits of using AI in recruitment

how talent hunter approaches adoptıng aı technology

core prıncıples 

augmentıng human ıntellıgence

Our mission in utilizing AI technology in TalentBot products is to help users make better hiring related decisions by providing data-driven decision making and eliminating mundane manual repetitive tasks.


Ensuring equitable treatment of every candidate by AI system. Countering human bias, promoting inclusivity and ability to make fair hiring decisions is powered by HR expert calibration.

data prıvacy and robustness

Minimizing security risks and protecting privacy and data rights.


At Talent Hunter, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in our business operations, fostering collaboration and inclusivity within hiring teams. We make every effort to ensure responsible AI utilization by maintaining strict adherence to ethical standards and promptly responding to changing regulations. This commitment is upheld through investments in people, training, and processes that prioritize the avoidance of any infringements on human rights and civil liberties.

Talent Hunter takes all necessary measures in accordance with the Information Security Management System policy to ensure business continuity across all sites. We strive to minimize losses and risks stemming from security breaches, ensure internal integrity, and protect all physical and electronic information assets. Our commitment extends to safeguarding the information created, processed, and stored in our technology infrastructure, as well as the systems involved, against relevant risks in the most suitable manner.

 For further inquiries regarding how Talent Hunter utilizes AI technology, please contact us at info@talenthunter.ai